CEPA – The Prequel

Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Fee: Members-$250; Non-Members-$395

This session is focused on addressing the ‘Why’, the ‘What’, and ‘Who’ behind CEPA as a regulatory construct, and therefore is intended to serve as a ‘prequel’ to CA Canada’s complementary CEPA 101 offering, which provides specific training on the mechanics of ‘How’, to comply.


  • Understand ‘Why’ CEPA applies to cosmetics and personal care products
  • Learn how cosmetics and personal care products are subject to both the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA) and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
  • Learn how is it possible, and why it’s necessary for two different sets of regulations to apply to cosmetic and personal care products
  • Understand the origins of the CEPA framework
  • And more!

Cosmetic and personal care products in Canada are subject to both the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA) as well as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).

Understanding ‘Why’ CEPA applies to cosmetics and personal care products is paramount to facilitating compliance and supporting engagement with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) compliance and enforcement officers on matters related to the substances in your finished products. Be aware – Be prepared!

This session takes a trip down history lane to establish the foundations behind this dual construct. Understanding the origins of the CEPA framework will help orient perspectives and outline how the Canadian framework differentiates between finished product regulations and individual substance regulations.

This session includes exercises, a quiz, and a Q&A session.
Training Certificates are issued for your records to each individual successfully completing the quiz.

Individual logins are required for each participant to obtain a training certificate.

About the Trainer

Beta Montemayor is the Vice President and Director of Science, Regulation and Market Access at Cosmetics Alliance Canada.  A graduate of the University of Guelph, Mr. Montemayor is an ecotoxicologist and risk assessor by training and brings over 25 years of experience managing product safety testing, compliance and regulatory advocacy programs, in support of the introduction of specialty chemicals and cosmetic and personal care products in Canada and beyond.  Mr. Montemayor is intimately familiar with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and a sought-out Canadian expert on the Canadian New Substances Notification (NSN) Program and Chemicals Management Plan (CMP), given his engagement with these programs since their inception in the 1990s and 2000s, respectfully.

Mr. Montemayor
has a reputation for being an innovative regulatory solutions facilitator who works very closely with officials in Canada and abroad.  Over the years, Mr. Montemayor has actively participated in and contributed to the gamut of consultations, legislative and technical workshops, and regulatory modernization efforts related to CEPA, including Bill S-5 which will serve as the basis for the newest iteration of CEPA.  Since 2018, Mr. Montemayor has served as the Chair of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Industry Coordinating Group (CEPA-ICG) and the Environmental Health – Industry Coordinating Group (EH-ICG).  Most recently, Mr. Montemayor is focused on advocating for the advancement and integration of New Assessment Methodologies (NAMs) to support safety and regulatory science and has been a vocal proponent for their integration in regulatory frameworks both domestically (including CEPA) and abroad.  In this regard, Mr. Montemayor presently serves on the Canadian organizing committee responsible for bringing the World Congress on Alternatives to the Use of Animals in the Life Sciences (WC-12) to Niagara Falls in 2023.

When not advocating for sound science and practical approaches to the regulation of cosmetics and personal care products, Mr. Montemayor is an avid nature photographer, amateur chef, competitive youth volleyball coach, and proud father of two.
